Thursday, May 13, 2010

thursday drizzle


It's been weeks since we've had sunshine, and I'm getting totally annoyed. So my cure for the nasty weather is sitting in my room, listening to Dr. Dog, with a blankie and Coco on my lap, blogging.
Well, it's my cure for today.
It's actually super cozy.
I'm putting together a congratulations card for my pops. After like, 20 years, he got his MFA at the U of M. Today is his graduation, and we're having a surprise party for him. So being the best daughter ever, I'm making it very detailed, so it might take some time..
I really have nothing interesting to tell you.
I having a very boring life.
Same routine everyday:
Wake up
Get ready for school
Go to school
The only thing keeping me awake are my friendship bracelets. I'm really obsessed with them. Especially Jamaican ones and rainbow ones.

Hot dog.

Guys. I gave my kitty cat nip. She's trripppiinngg outtt.
She's sweeping my floor with her face.

What a goof.

1. Candy and surprises
2. Not having my cookie fall apart in my milk
3. Getting homework done at school
4. Eating on the beach
5. Cereal with A LOT of frosting and marsh mellows
6. Your shower routine
7. Warm breezes
8. Freshly washed jeans

Time to bounce.

Come again soon!


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