Monday, May 10, 2010

Just another Monday

Hello world. How are you today? Heres how I am: BAD. I'm so anxious to get out of this school it's driving me insane. It's almost camp time though. My friend Ben and I were singing camp songs in the middle of spanish class today. It was pretty nutty. Approx. 50 days until we're on the camp bus, singing songs and coming up with new cheers. It's major cold here in Minnesota too. I mean, common stupid. It's frickin May, and it's 50 degrees. LAME.
Regardless, I have to stay happy and only focus on the positive. Ho hum.
Anyways, I have a few things to share with you.
I was watching SNL on last night. The one with the all-mighty Betty White. She is probably the funniest lady EVER. She's 88(and a half) years old, and she was saying the craziest things. Even crazy for SNL! Thus, she is my new hero.
I have a new pet peeve. 'JEGGINGS'. What are they, jeans or leggings? I mean, it's one thing to wear leggings with a sweatshirt or a dress, but wearing leggings with a t-shirt? I find that EXTREMELY un-classy. LESSON OF THE DAY: My auntie Lisa told me that you don't have to go out in super short shorts or the lowest cut shirt to have boys look at you. Boys will ALWAYS be looking at you. Dress like a normal person, and you will probably get more attention then the ones who try oh so very hard.
That was mean. I apologize for everyone who actually LIKES jeggings, but you know what? This is MY blog. *OWNED.
Anyways, back to happiness.
Today at lunch, my friend Lucy and I went outside and did a small skit on the hill. It wasn't so much the actual skit that amused me, but the fact that we were screaming and shouting 'GUSHING BLOOD!' to the entire 8th grade pretty much made my day.
I guess you just had to be there.
See, even the roughest days have their good moments.

Well, that's enough for now.


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