Wednesday, June 9, 2010

i'm deranged.

I'm a terrible person. To all four of you that actually read my blog, I apologize. I'm kind of only human.
School ended today, and blah blah blah. You don't care about that stuff.
P.s. I have a 'flickr'. LOOK AT IT.
Back to things that matter...
My birthday was on Monday, and I got a camera. It's fantaaaastic. It takes good pictures, thus, I am very pleased with my present.
Currently, I am watching 'Fight Club', you know, that super insane movie with Edward Norton and Brad Pitt where he...well...I'm in no mood to spoil the whole movie for you.
Speaking of Edward Norton, my brother got a kitty, and named it Ed. Because of Edward Norton being his favorite actor. As you should know, I have a cat of my own, and it hates every other animal in the whole world. So she was freaking out when Ed came in(I had to babysit the kitty while my brother was away) and pissed everywhere. Don't laugh. It's a true story. So my mom is pretty upset.

K. I'm going to Valleyfair tomorrow, so I need to prep. That just means eat Cherrios so I can calm down and go to sleep.
No, Cherrios don't make me calm.
I'm really not quite sure why I even said any of that.




1. Stopping at the top of a ferris wheel
2. Good tasting protein bars
3. Free samples
4. A candy bracelet
5. Aladin
6. Signing up for camp

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