Monday, May 31, 2010

gleeky obsession

I admit it. I LOVE Glee.

I love the songs, the actors/actresses, and just the overall concept of all these random kids trying to be the best of the best.

Cause thats kinda like me. I mean, I love singing, and acting, and dressing like III want. And as stupid as it sounds, I have always wanted to have a career in something like that. Every test I take in school and stuff always tells me I should have a career in the preforming arts. I love it! I just can't stay away from the stuff.

Also, Finn and Puck are kinda cute.
Also, Rachel is jewish. So OF COURSE I love it.

Just sayin.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

lots of countdowns.

Days till my birthday-11
Days till END OF SCHOOL- 13
Days till camp-33

Splendid! Im eating a carmel apple sucker if you were wondering. Its pretty delicious.
Anyways, back to things that matter...
School is ALMOST over. We're working on all our final projects and tests and such and such. Its making my mouth into a banana.
Aka its making me smile. (Wow, that was insanely weird.)
My birthday is just around the corner, and I couldn't be happier. I'm hoping for a camera that I can play with in the rain at camp. HOW SICK WOULD THAT BE? But I can only dream.
I'm having just a grand time right now. Everything is going pretty well. Good grades, good friends, good weather, good clothes, good lollipops...

Aww, isn't it marvelous when Sophie is happy?

But actually I have to go study for a health test and watch 'The Office'.
Scratch that, I'm just gonna go watch my show.

Have a SMASHING day!


I like that word. Smashing. It makes me feel British.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

hot mess.

I had such a fab. weekend. I went up to my camp for the weekend for initiation into my synagogue, and it was crazyyyy stuff. Herzl is completely different, new cabins, new bathrooms, new waterfront, EVERYTHING. It doesn't feel quite like camp, but I suppose I just need to get used to it. The cabins are really tight though! SHOUTOUT: ANNIE. I love jew! Thanks for reading my blog!

Continuing on, I have had the best day ever. I came home from the jew thing and prepared to go shopping for some summer clothes. I mean, I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt in 90 degree weather. It was truly lame. My mum took me to the boutique (and yes, I do mean Target) and I got the following--

  • A FABOULICIOUS yellow flowery dress that I am completely in love with
  • 2 pairs of shorts, black and white
  • A racer back yellow dress
  • The most comfortable pajama bottoms EVER
  • Bloo sweatpants
  • Capris that actually fit (HALLELUJAH!)
  • And such and such.
Then we went out for a quick bite at 'The Lotus'. Its vietnamese and we go there ALL the day.
I really meant to say all the time, but I feel like that shouldn't be deleted.
Then, without realizing we weren't driving home (due to the fact that I was sticking my head out the window because its so blazing hot out and I totally love it) my pops took us out for Dairy Queen.

Well thats my day. How was yours?

May I be excused? I have to go make a spaceship(bottle rocket). Also I think my eyeballs are melting cause its like a bajillion degrees out here.




1. Interactive toys
2. Stopping for candy after school
3. A beautifully peaceful playground
4. Surprise trips to Dairy Queen
5. Frogs
6. Friendly policemen
7. Front row seats
8. Sleeping with your head where your feet normally go
9. Getting homework done
10. Castles

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm quite happy that I don't feel like a vampire anymore. I don't crawl up in a blankie or stay inside all day. I actually go outside. It's rather refreshing.
I'm sitting on my lawn looking at my grass in great detail.
*I'm very easily entertained*
I typically hate when the sun makes my jet-black hair burning hot, but today, I'll make an exception. You can tell I'm in a happy mood(well, YOU can't) when my eyes turn bright green. It's pretty eyes change colors depending on how I feel and such.
Like cat eyes..
On a totally different note, I'm listening to Radiohead more and more often now. They're sooo good! I like 'Lucky' and stuff. Check 'em out if you haven't before!

My hula hoop is sitting beside me calling my name, so I have to tend to its needs.
(my hula hoop has a mind of its own. it gets cranky if its not hula-hooped.)

have a nice day! go soak up some sun!
Bon Voyage!


P.S. I apologize for my rather lame posts lately. Say no more. Thanks for the understanding..kinda. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


You know what sucks?
Having TOOO many songs stuck in your head.
I can't decide which one to play over and over again in my noggin.
Doing you are how?
I'm fantabulisious.
I took a stroll.
It was heavenly.
I like pressing 'enter' a lot.
It adds character to my blawg.
You know what I'm really into? Space. And junk. Like, black holes, and life on other planets, and exploding things, and the edge of the universe, and such and such.
Also, I got a new bracelet.
I can smell the banana's got chocolate chips in it....
Ohh lookie! There's an ant crawling on my screen!
Poor fella. I'm gonna smush him in 3...2....1...
and now he is dead.

This warm weather is making me INSANNE.
I better go finish my science project.


Saturday, May 15, 2010


I love sleeping in. And then waking up and watching Sponge Bob while eating cereal and playing with cat.
I have a beautiful life.
I hung out with Anna today--
We did some friend stuff.

I saw The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas
Utterly the gloomiest movie ever.
Bleh. Lets not talk about it.

I think my room is haunted. It's making freaking scary noises and I'm flipping out. Like this:

Actually the water heater is right below my room, so it just makes monster sounds.


Wow I apologize for my fierce A.D.D.

I better get some sleep.

Never eat the skin of an apple. ITS EXTREMELY POISONOUS.
-Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia



Thursday, May 13, 2010

thursday drizzle


It's been weeks since we've had sunshine, and I'm getting totally annoyed. So my cure for the nasty weather is sitting in my room, listening to Dr. Dog, with a blankie and Coco on my lap, blogging.
Well, it's my cure for today.
It's actually super cozy.
I'm putting together a congratulations card for my pops. After like, 20 years, he got his MFA at the U of M. Today is his graduation, and we're having a surprise party for him. So being the best daughter ever, I'm making it very detailed, so it might take some time..
I really have nothing interesting to tell you.
I having a very boring life.
Same routine everyday:
Wake up
Get ready for school
Go to school
The only thing keeping me awake are my friendship bracelets. I'm really obsessed with them. Especially Jamaican ones and rainbow ones.

Hot dog.

Guys. I gave my kitty cat nip. She's trripppiinngg outtt.
She's sweeping my floor with her face.

What a goof.

1. Candy and surprises
2. Not having my cookie fall apart in my milk
3. Getting homework done at school
4. Eating on the beach
5. Cereal with A LOT of frosting and marsh mellows
6. Your shower routine
7. Warm breezes
8. Freshly washed jeans

Time to bounce.

Come again soon!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

forty winks

Oh man. I'm so tired. I watched this trippy show about time travel and now I'm frustrated because I thought it would be a half hour, but it was an hour and now I don't get to hula hoop and junk.
Oh well.
Last choir concert today. Crash and burn.
Good things happened. Yet, they're ineligible for this post.
Also I'm too freaking lazy to write anything else.
I got a Iron Man pencil today.
It made me EXTRAORDINARILY (woah I totally actually spelt that right) happy.

*dozing off*

K the power of sleep compels me.

Stay frosty.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On Cloud Nine

How's things chickadee? I apologize in advance for any boring, depressing events that may or may not take place in this post. I'm having a pretty blue day. The fact that there are only 20 some days left of school until summer drive me insane. I may as well just draw CHECKED OUT across my forehead so the teachers don't bother me no more. Sorry, I'm just inspired from "To Kill A Mockingbird''. It's a wicked book/movie. CHECK IT OUT.
I'm currently watching ''Sunshine Cleaning'' with my mama. It's awkward. But it has Amy Adams in it, so it's all good. It also has that one fella from ''A Perfect Getaway'' it's hard to take it serious because I have a strange feeling in my gut that he's going to go on a killing rampage and take everyones teeth out. *Shudder*
1. The cold side of the pillow
2. We're bigger than spiders
3. Free makeup samples
4. Making friends with a dog
5. Waking up in the morning
6. Exotic fruits
7. A collection of ''odd'' facts
8. Yelling ''UNO''
9. The oddness of toes
10. Sleeping on a hammock
11. People NOT smoking
12. Flannel Jammies
TIME TO BRAG: I have a delightful pair of dinosaur flannel jammies.
Just thought you'd might like to know.

Every once in a while I'll post a few. I mean, I'm major happy now. Also because this is a funny movie.

I'm leaving you.
(oh dear.)

Catch ya on the flipside!--

Monday, May 10, 2010

I spent my whole day on youtube. So I have a handful of videos that made me giggle and such.

Just another Monday

Hello world. How are you today? Heres how I am: BAD. I'm so anxious to get out of this school it's driving me insane. It's almost camp time though. My friend Ben and I were singing camp songs in the middle of spanish class today. It was pretty nutty. Approx. 50 days until we're on the camp bus, singing songs and coming up with new cheers. It's major cold here in Minnesota too. I mean, common stupid. It's frickin May, and it's 50 degrees. LAME.
Regardless, I have to stay happy and only focus on the positive. Ho hum.
Anyways, I have a few things to share with you.
I was watching SNL on last night. The one with the all-mighty Betty White. She is probably the funniest lady EVER. She's 88(and a half) years old, and she was saying the craziest things. Even crazy for SNL! Thus, she is my new hero.
I have a new pet peeve. 'JEGGINGS'. What are they, jeans or leggings? I mean, it's one thing to wear leggings with a sweatshirt or a dress, but wearing leggings with a t-shirt? I find that EXTREMELY un-classy. LESSON OF THE DAY: My auntie Lisa told me that you don't have to go out in super short shorts or the lowest cut shirt to have boys look at you. Boys will ALWAYS be looking at you. Dress like a normal person, and you will probably get more attention then the ones who try oh so very hard.
That was mean. I apologize for everyone who actually LIKES jeggings, but you know what? This is MY blog. *OWNED.
Anyways, back to happiness.
Today at lunch, my friend Lucy and I went outside and did a small skit on the hill. It wasn't so much the actual skit that amused me, but the fact that we were screaming and shouting 'GUSHING BLOOD!' to the entire 8th grade pretty much made my day.
I guess you just had to be there.
See, even the roughest days have their good moments.

Well, that's enough for now.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blog Shmog

Hey fellas, I'm Sophie. I'm pretty new to this whole 'blog' idea, so if you will, bear with me for the time being. If you must know, I was actually inspired by a friend named Lucy. She's pretty impressive when it comes to blogging. She uses big words, therefore, I respect her(love you, Luc). I also started diggin' on the blogging idea when I saw the movie 'Julie and Julia'. I love Amy Adams. She's like, my hero. A few things you should know about me-
I have a pretty crazy brain. I always jump from one thing to another. Some might call it A.D.D., but hey, it makes me unique in some way! I have enough friends. I love them, and they love me. SHOUTOUT: Lucy and Anna! Thanks for the everything! You guys are the bestest.
I hate mainstream music. Such as 'Ke$ha' and '3OH!3'. Puke. I like DR. DOG and THE BEATLES. And I'm VERY proud to say it.
I love directing and acting. TIME TO BRAG: I was in a shakespearean play in 2nd grade. I was 'Puck'. It was not too shabby.
All I do is talk talk talk talk talk. It's my all time favorite thing to do.
I like to eat. Food. Like a normal person.
I have my own unique style. Dunks mixed with tye-dye shirts just SCREAMS Sophie.
As you can see, I really, really like to talk.
So I'll stop before I bore you to death.
Farewell for now, thanks for reading my words and such!
